Five Ways to Wellbeing and Christianity

Navigating the Covid-19 pandemic has accentuated what we all knew: that our mental health is important and is impacted as our physical, social and spiritual patterns are disrupted.

Five Ways to Wellbeing and Christianity has been designed in partnership with the Christian community and is supported by The Church of England, The Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales, the Evangelical Alliance and Churches Together to provide advice and guidance on better mental health and wellbeing in line with the Christian tradition.

The resources below can be downloaded and shared across your networks to raise awareness of the importance of good mental health and wellbeing and how it can be achieved in line with Christian beliefs.

Resource and communications toolkit

Five Ways to wellbeing and Christianity – resource book

Five Ways to wellbeing and Christianity – communications toolkit

Social media animations: landscape format

Five ways to good mental wellbeing

Be physically active

Connect with God and other people

Pay attention to the present moment

Learn something new everyday

Give to others

Social media animations: portrait format

Five ways to good mental wellbeing

Be physically active

Connect with God and other people

Pay attention to the present moment

Learn something new everyday

Give to others